Related Links and Reading
M.O.S.A. - MOSA (Midwest Organic Services Association, Inc.)was formed and incorporated in March of 1999 to serve the needs of producers and processors specifically in the Midwest looking for a high quality, sensible organic certification program. MOSA now offers independent, third-party certification services to interested producers and processors throughout the United States and abroad.
MOSES - Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service
Non-GMO Project - Non-GMO Project
Certified Humane - Humane Farm Animal Care
OGRAIN - Organic Grain Resource and Information Network
SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
MPF - Midwest Poultry Federation
NPSAS - Northern Plains Sustainable Ag
GrassWorks - GrassWorks
PFOI - Practical Farmers of Iowa
Rodale Institute - The Rodale Institute
Acres USA